Sunday, May 4, 2014

A letter on your day!

Dear wifey,
I still remember how I climbed to your hostel, despite tired legs just to celebrate your birthday. That was in 2010. We were still in college together then. Call it clandestine juvenile affairs of sorts. It was your first birthday with me.

photo credit:
Since then years have passed and twice we celebrated together and this time around I am still missing. I would love to be in person to hug you tight. Say “How much you mean to me” with a whisper in your ears but it was never meant to be. I hope next time around I should make it.

I know and I am always grateful to have you in my life. I am more than happy. I can safely claim without inhibition, I am a grossly satisfied married man. And you are the reason for it.

This is a special day for you and because I love you, it is for me as well. But unfortunate that I am not around to cut that cake and light that butter lamp for you. My good wishes and prayers are always there for you by the way. Because I am away, my prayers are even more sincere and wishes more fervent.

It is hard even for me but sometimes these events are out of control. It is basically because life consists of bargains and tradeoffs. I believe this is one of them. I was also counting the days since my departure from you and at least about four long months have gone. So, it brings me closer to meeting you again.

It is your birthday; I wish I could take you to the market and ask you to choose a gift of your taste. I could also hide it and make you search all over the place. We could have a lot of fun. But again none of these can be done. I am guilty as charged. I take responsibility for my absence.

Never the less, I should let you know that your birthday was on my mind in December. I don’t know whether you may like it or not. It was a gesture on my part to say that you are there on my mind. It gives an immense sense of satisfaction when I can do something for you. That day when I bought it I was happy. 

Now go to our old bedroom and open the middle drawer of the small wardrobe. Inside that laptop bag you will find something. This is my birthday gift for you. If you smile while seeing it I am happy.

I know nothing can compensate my absence and I may sound too bullish but I am serious. To make amends I had to arrange so that you can have it on the eve. If you like what I sent, it is reason enough to be happy for me.

I know I can write a lot more words in your name but you taught me that few concrete actions are way better than many words; therefore I am now learning to cut down on my hollow words. Actually I started believing in that. If it was good it was you, if not I take the blame.
I am confident that by now you know that I would want you to be happy and healthy always, so Happy Birthday!!!I sign off with lots of love and kisses.

Your Husband

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Valentines day is not so fun either........

As the clock ticked closer to 12 mid-night we were battling with struggling skype due to poor internet connection. It is 13th february and you may well guess why?. It is this years valentines eve and I am again away from you, my love. It is awful being away but life is like that. But more awful when internet puts the bar on your only good way of sharing love.

This is the 5th valentines day since we met and our 3rd away. Going by numbers it was too harsh. But in life to get one thing we need to fore go one another and its just an unintentional collateral damage although it is very hard.

Looking back I reminisce our first V-day. It was the most memorable for reasons nice and naughty. Whether it is valentines day or not our love had been as intense as ever. We lived in that child-like world even after more than 5 years. That is really a great reason to take stock of . Everyday was a valentines day, until now except for few misunderstandings as in any other relations. Our thoughts, emotions and feelings largely converge. Its a great sign.

Having so consoled myself yet I wish I could be by your side. I wish I open the gift that i have for you, I wish i could spread my arms to hug you. I wish I could kiss your forehead to say how much I love you.    

But if wishes were horses beggars like me would ride, therefore wishes remained wishes for the greater good of general scheme of things. 
Small it may be but I feel like giving you one. It was never impossible to do something that you would love to do. So, I said your small gift might reach you a bit late but it is on the way at the moment.
Although video chat was erratically worst, we managed to text chat. I wrote how desperately we would like to be by her side. She wrote how badly she missed me. I said how pissed off i am with the internet. 
I wrote "Happy valentines day" and " be my valentine for ever" and she said " yes I am yours". But folks; its no fun celebrating valentines on a virtual platform with reality being 1000's of miles away. But as always medicine might taste awful, everything happens for good. 

Happy Valentines Day!. There are no wrong days to celebrate love! Make everyday your valentines day! Enjoy it while it lasts!